NEW! #328 "Dear America"
NEW! #328 "Dear America" Wool Appliqué Pattern
Pattern includes for Wooly Tree Skirt, Wool Star Ornaments and Wooly Uncle Sam Byrd Tree Topper
Our Wooly Tree Skirt measures 8.5" in diameter. It features 1 7 7 6 and Firecrackers surrounded by a Very Patriotic Banner.
Our Ornaments are Simple Stars with Blue Penny Centers. We have added a Few Red
Buttons to finish off the Design.
Read to Perch on your Wooly Buttermilk Tree is our Uncle Sam Byrd all decked out in his Red, White and Blue Hat!
Our Design makes a Perfect Centerpiece for your Table or Olde Cupboard.
Perfect Pattern to use those SCRAPS!
Original Design by Sandra McKee
1894 Cottonwood House