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NEW!  #560 "Lemons to Lemonade"

NEW! #560 "Lemons to Lemonade"

NEW!  #560 "Lemons to Lemonade" Wool Applique Pattern


Together We Are Going Through
Uncertain Times...
So Many Questions...
What Can I Do To Keep My Family Safe?
Will We Have Everything We Need?
How Long Will This Last?
What Will Our New Normal Look Like?
And So Very Many More....
We Have A Quote On Our Black Board At The Cottonwood House...It Reads....
"The Desire to Create Is One of the 
Deepest Yearnings of the Soul"  Dieter F. Uchtdorf
So Together We Continue To Create
For  Ourselves and For You...
Ready to Change Lemons to Lemonade?



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